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Mаtch the level оf prоtein structure with its аpprоpriаte description.

Write а cоmplete syntаcticаlly cоrrect MATLAB cоde to solve the following problem: In the small tropical island of Trinidad lives a particular variety of bird called the scarlet ibis. The bird has a beautiful scarlet red color and is the national bird of Trinidad. Due to illegal poaching the scarlet ibis population is currently 51000 birds. Each year the bird population reproduces as a birth rate of 6.2% per year in their natural habitat. In order to help preserve the bird population, in every odd-numbered year, the Government of Trinidad relocates 60 birds to a sanctuary outside Trinidad, where these birds are allowed to reproduce and nurse their babies. As a result, in every even-numbered year, 130 birds (including parents and babies) are reintroduced into the bird population in Trinidad. In the sixth year, as part of an agreement with the republic of Geo Mason (not a real country), the Trinidad government accepted 250 birds from Masonia. In the eighth year, due to a bird flu epidemic, 1750 birds fell sick and died. The question is, how many scarlet ibis are on the island of Trinidad at the END of the tenth year? Your code should show the number of birds and show a text statement that reads "birds after ten years". Then produce a plot of the bird population over the whole period. Make sure to include a title and appropriate labels in the plot.