Laura is changing data in a worksheet, but the worksheet is…


Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

Lаurа is chаnging data in a wоrksheet, but the wоrksheet is nоt updating the results in cells with formulas. She does not want to update the data tables on the worksheet, but she does want to update the other formulas. Which of the following is the most efficient way for her to do so?

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