Janice wants to overcome her fear of snakes. One therapist s…


Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

Jаnice wаnts tо оvercоme her feаr of snakes. One therapist says she should get over it all at once, and he suggests visiting a pet store and holding a live snake until she no longer feels anxious. A second therapist suggests that she visualize a variety of increasingly scary snakes while trying to remain relaxed. To treat Janice’s phobia, the first therapist is suggesting ________, whereas the second therapist is proposing ________.

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