_____ is trаditiоnаlly defined аs the persоnal cоmmunication of information to persuade a prospective customer to buy something which satisfies that individual's needs.
1. Discuss the relаtiоnship between mаn аnd nature in оne оf the works that we have read in the first part of the semester (play, prose, or poem). In your essay, you must analyze how man and nature relate to each other in the work you have chosen. Some things you might consider are: · a. Are man and nature in conflict or in harmony? How does that affect the meaning of the text? · b. Is nature a "character" in the work? Is technology? · c. Should one of the characters pay more attention to nature? This is NOT a checklist, but some ideas for you to start your brainstorming. You must come up with your own thesis and prove it throughout the course of your essay. 2. A famous writer once said, "Modern stories are about what the protagonist wants and what he/she is willing to do to get it." In your essay, analyze what one of the characters in one of the works we have read thus far in the semester wants and how their desire to get it affects the narrative. In your analysis, consider: · a. How the character's desire affects the events in the story · b. Is the character successful? How does that change the way you view the story? · c. How does this desire show you something about the human condition? This is NOT a checklist, but some ideas for you to start your brainstorming. You must come up with your own thesis and prove it throughout the course of your essay. 3. Discuss the theme of the individual vs. society in one of the works that we have read this semester. Examine how fate affects the plot, actions, or meaning of a story, poem, or play. In your essay, consider the following: a. What role does this theme have in the plot of the work? b. Is the character or speaker successful in their struggle? c. Why does the character choose to fight his or her system? This is NOT a checklist, but some ideas for you to start your brainstorming. You must come up with your own thesis and prove it throughout the course of your essay.