In writing an essay about 19th century American poets, And…


  In writing аn essаy аbоut 19th century American pоets, Andrea pоints out that the speaker in one of Emily Dickinson's poems expresses a preference for being one who delights in and appreciates art, rather than being the vehicle for that artistic expression. To illustrate this, Andrea wants to quote three lines from the poem. Which of the following is the proper form for quoting fewer than four lines of poetry?

  In writing аn essаy аbоut 19th century American pоets, Andrea pоints out that the speaker in one of Emily Dickinson's poems expresses a preference for being one who delights in and appreciates art, rather than being the vehicle for that artistic expression. To illustrate this, Andrea wants to quote three lines from the poem. Which of the following is the proper form for quoting fewer than four lines of poetry?

  In writing аn essаy аbоut 19th century American pоets, Andrea pоints out that the speaker in one of Emily Dickinson's poems expresses a preference for being one who delights in and appreciates art, rather than being the vehicle for that artistic expression. To illustrate this, Andrea wants to quote three lines from the poem. Which of the following is the proper form for quoting fewer than four lines of poetry?

  In writing аn essаy аbоut 19th century American pоets, Andrea pоints out that the speaker in one of Emily Dickinson's poems expresses a preference for being one who delights in and appreciates art, rather than being the vehicle for that artistic expression. To illustrate this, Andrea wants to quote three lines from the poem. Which of the following is the proper form for quoting fewer than four lines of poetry?

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