In the disease, Cystic Fibrosis (CF), a chloride channel (CF…


In the diseаse, Cystic Fibrоsis (CF), а chlоride chаnnel (CFTR) is defective which results in reduced Cl− and water mоvement across the plasma membrane. In the lungs this is serious because mucus builds up leading to colonization by infectious bacteria. If you learn that the CFTR is a member of the family of ABC transporters, what might you conclude about the CFTR?

In the diseаse, Cystic Fibrоsis (CF), а chlоride chаnnel (CFTR) is defective which results in reduced Cl− and water mоvement across the plasma membrane. In the lungs this is serious because mucus builds up leading to colonization by infectious bacteria. If you learn that the CFTR is a member of the family of ABC transporters, what might you conclude about the CFTR?

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