If a basketball player has a goal of increasing her free-thr…


If а bаsketbаll player has a gоal оf increasing her free-thrоw percentage, what type of goal has she set?

Jоsh is а seniоr mаjоring in computer science аt a small university. All the seniors in computer science are friends because they have taken most of their computer science courses together. Josh is particularly close to Matt. Josh and Matt are from the same city about 200 miles from campus, and Matt has given Josh rides to and from home a half dozen times at the start and end of school holidays. Notably, Matt never asked Josh to help pay for the gas on any of these trips, and Josh never offered to do so. When it is time for seniors to choose partners for their capstone project, no one is surprised when Josh and Matt end up on the same team. Unfortunately, Josh and the other teammates soon regret inviting Matt onto their team. Everyone has known Matt to be hardworking, trustworthy, and reliable, but his father just died in a car accident, and he has lost all interest in school. To make matters worse, Matt is drinking too much. He doesn’t show up for a lot of the team meetings, and the code he produces doesn’t meet the specifications. Josh and the other teammates can’t persuade Matt to take the project more seriously, and since they don’t have any real control over his behavior, they decide it’s easier simply to rewrite Matt’s part of the system themselves. Matt does contribute his share of the PowerPoint slides, and during the oral presentation he stands up and talks about “his” portion of the code, never mentioning that it was all rewritten by his teammates. Everyone in the class is supposed to send the professor an email grading the performance of their teammates. The department prides itself on graduating students who have proven they can work well on software development teams, and students getting poor or failing performance reviews from all their teammates may be forced to repeat the class. Matt comes to Josh, tells him that he really needs to pass this class because he can’t afford to stay in college any longer, and pleads for a good performance review. What should Josh do? Analyze the dilemma using act utilitarianism. (10 points) Analyze the dilemma using rule utilitarianism. (10 points) Analyze the dilemma using deontology (Kantianism) (10 points) Analyze the dilemma using virtue ethics. (10 points)