How does DevSecOps differ from DevOps?


Hоw dоes DevSecOps differ frоm DevOps?

The оperаtiоns mаnаger at a wоod picture frame factory plans to collect random samples for the quality management scenarios described. Select the most appropriate quality tool(s) for each of the following scenarios. a) Select which quality management tool(s) will help the operations manager at a wood picture frame factory determine if the fraction of defective frame pieces is stable and predictable. [VariableData3] b) Select which quality management tool(s) will help the operations manager at a wood picture frame factory determine if frame length is stable and predictable. [NumberDefects3] c) Select which quality management tool(s) will help the operations manager at a wood picture frame factory determine if the incoming load of wood should be accepted or rejected. [Capable3] d) Select which quality management tool(s) will help the operations manager at a wood picture frame factory determine if the number of rejected frames per day is stable and predictable. [Sampling3] e) Select which quality management tool(s) will help the operations manager at a wood picture frame factory determine if the equipment is capable of cutting the frame pieces to the length specified. [FractionDefective3]