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Fоrmаt: 1 Essаy (аpprоximately 1000-1500 wоrds) Content: Polybius, Lucretius, Cicero, Virgil, Ovid, and Seneca   ** This exam is open book. You may ONLY use the primary texts we used in class to aid in the writing of your essay.             Essay Questions   Choose one of the following questions/prompts to respond to in essay format.   Describe and evaluate Lucretius’s understanding of the universe (e.g., How was it formed? What is the fundamental principle of Epicurean atomism?).   What does the story of the Aeneid tell us about Roman ideas concerning the founding of Rome? How might the story inform our understanding of Roman values?   Describe and evaluate Ovid’s understanding of love throughout the Metamorphosis (e.g., Is it good or bad? What kind of control does it hold over its subjects? How does it relate to Roman understandings of sex and gender? What is the role of transformation in halting or solidifying love?).   What to include…   Introduction: Include a concise introduction to the essay with a clear thesis statement (what are you arguing for or what do you intend to demonstrate?)   Context: What is the general historical and cultural context of the writing(s)/writer(s) you are discussing?   Evidence: Provide evidence through direct quotations and references to page numbers or section numbers from the text.   Conclusion: Include a concise conclusion which summarizes the thesis of your essay and the main arguments discussed throughout.