GROUP 1 BONUS QUESTIONS- Choose only ONE question to answer….


GROUP 1 BONUS QUESTIONS- Chооse оnly ONE question to аnswer. Include question number аnd your аnswer in your response. (For example: "Question 1, answer B")  1. A 12 y/o male presents to your outpatient clinic with a dx of DMD. Based on this diagnosis, what would you anticipate is the LEAST likely to be included in your treatment? a. Serial casting in progressive dorsiflexion b. Pool therapy including tricep extension with floating dumbbells along water surface c. Standing with upper extremity support to participate in therapeutic games d. Progressive leg strengthening exercises focused on eccentric movements 2. You are working in the NICU and walk into baby Jeffrey’s room for his PT treatment. You notice Jeffry’s arms are extended and flailing around, his fingers are splayed, and he is moving erratically. What is the most likely explanation for Jeffry’s positioning?   a. This is a normal resting state for a baby.  b. The baby is presenting with signs of stress.  c. The nurse forgot to put a blanket on the child   d. He is behind on his milestones and you need to practice bringing the arms to midline.  3. A 14-month old named Tom Brady presents in your clinic with Type 2 SMA. What would you most likely be expecting to find as you begin working with him based on his diagnosis?   a. He is unable to sit without support  b. He is able to stand alone and walk but may have slight tremors and weakness  c. He is unable to stand or walk without support  d. He presents normal as Type 2 SMA does not manifest until >18 months  4. A 3 year old comes to your clinic and you notice they are clinging to their caretaker more today. You continue your treatment and the toddler begins to wet himself. You notice a burn on his upper thigh when you are cleaning his accident. What should you do next in this situation?  a. Confront the parent and ask about the burn mark  b. Report the findings in the note but ignore the situation  c. Call the Florida child abuse hotline if you suspect abuse  d. Wait until next session and see if you notice anything else suspicious 

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