Fleur, an 18-year-old, has been suspected of shoplifting in…


Fleur, аn 18-yeаr-оld, hаs been suspected оf shоplifting in the past few weeks at her local Wal-Mart. Several Wal-Mart employees have spoken to each other about her before, mentioning to keep an eye on her. Meetlofe, a member of Wal-Mart’s private security, claims to witness Fleur walk into a dressing room with five items, and only come out with four. He looks into the dressing room and does not see any items left behind. He approaches her and discreetly asks her to follow him to an office. Fleur does so, and upon entering the office she immediately claims she never took anything. Meetlofe is cautious not to raise his voice or use threatening language and politely asks for the fifth item from the dressing room. Fleur states that she does not have the item. Meetlofe is careful to let Fleur sit closest to the open door to the office and makes sure that he does not block the entryway in any way. After Fleur’s denial of stealing, Meetlofe calmly states that she cannot leave until his supervisor gets back about eight hours from now, so that they can resolve the matter. Does Fleur have a strong claim for false imprisonment?

Fleur, аn 18-yeаr-оld, hаs been suspected оf shоplifting in the past few weeks at her local Wal-Mart. Several Wal-Mart employees have spoken to each other about her before, mentioning to keep an eye on her. Meetlofe, a member of Wal-Mart’s private security, claims to witness Fleur walk into a dressing room with five items, and only come out with four. He looks into the dressing room and does not see any items left behind. He approaches her and discreetly asks her to follow him to an office. Fleur does so, and upon entering the office she immediately claims she never took anything. Meetlofe is cautious not to raise his voice or use threatening language and politely asks for the fifth item from the dressing room. Fleur states that she does not have the item. Meetlofe is careful to let Fleur sit closest to the open door to the office and makes sure that he does not block the entryway in any way. After Fleur’s denial of stealing, Meetlofe calmly states that she cannot leave until his supervisor gets back about eight hours from now, so that they can resolve the matter. Does Fleur have a strong claim for false imprisonment?

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