FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Following is the prompt for the fin…


FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Fоllоwing is the prоmpt for the finаl exаm: 1. From Writing Arguments, choose one of the essаy/story selections you have read. It does not have to be an essay we covered in the course assignments as long as it comes from the textbook. Do not use any outside sources. Doing so will result in a grade penalty for failure to follow instructions. 2. Write a 500-word (minimum) essay in which you address what you consider to be the author's main theme. For the purpose of this essay, theme is defined as an important component of the essay such as good versus evil, loss of innocence, prejudice or racism, etc. There may be several themes in a story, but you are to pick what you think is the central -- or most important -- theme. 3. State what you believe to be the central theme in the first paragraph of the essay. 4. You must identify by title the essay/story you are using, the author's full name and the book in which the essay/story appears. 4. You MUST put your essay in a Microsoft Word document, 12 point Times New Roman typeface and double-spaced, MLA formatted. Failure to do so will result in a grade reduction for failure to follow instructions. 5. You must include an original title. 6. You must include a work cited page. This is the page after the last page of the essay. 7. You must include at least three in-text citations from the essay/story you choose, correctly formatted per MLA. Again, do not use any outside sources, just the textbook. You must complete the final exam no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. Be certain to finish the exam before 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. I cannot accept late final exams because of the final grade deadline.  

FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Fоllоwing is the prоmpt for the finаl exаm: 1. From Writing Arguments, choose one of the essаy/story selections you have read. It does not have to be an essay we covered in the course assignments as long as it comes from the textbook. Do not use any outside sources. Doing so will result in a grade penalty for failure to follow instructions. 2. Write a 500-word (minimum) essay in which you address what you consider to be the author's main theme. For the purpose of this essay, theme is defined as an important component of the essay such as good versus evil, loss of innocence, prejudice or racism, etc. There may be several themes in a story, but you are to pick what you think is the central -- or most important -- theme. 3. State what you believe to be the central theme in the first paragraph of the essay. 4. You must identify by title the essay/story you are using, the author's full name and the book in which the essay/story appears. 4. You MUST put your essay in a Microsoft Word document, 12 point Times New Roman typeface and double-spaced, MLA formatted. Failure to do so will result in a grade reduction for failure to follow instructions. 5. You must include an original title. 6. You must include a work cited page. This is the page after the last page of the essay. 7. You must include at least three in-text citations from the essay/story you choose, correctly formatted per MLA. Again, do not use any outside sources, just the textbook. You must complete the final exam no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. Be certain to finish the exam before 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. I cannot accept late final exams because of the final grade deadline.  

FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Fоllоwing is the prоmpt for the finаl exаm: 1. From Writing Arguments, choose one of the essаy/story selections you have read. It does not have to be an essay we covered in the course assignments as long as it comes from the textbook. Do not use any outside sources. Doing so will result in a grade penalty for failure to follow instructions. 2. Write a 500-word (minimum) essay in which you address what you consider to be the author's main theme. For the purpose of this essay, theme is defined as an important component of the essay such as good versus evil, loss of innocence, prejudice or racism, etc. There may be several themes in a story, but you are to pick what you think is the central -- or most important -- theme. 3. State what you believe to be the central theme in the first paragraph of the essay. 4. You must identify by title the essay/story you are using, the author's full name and the book in which the essay/story appears. 4. You MUST put your essay in a Microsoft Word document, 12 point Times New Roman typeface and double-spaced, MLA formatted. Failure to do so will result in a grade reduction for failure to follow instructions. 5. You must include an original title. 6. You must include a work cited page. This is the page after the last page of the essay. 7. You must include at least three in-text citations from the essay/story you choose, correctly formatted per MLA. Again, do not use any outside sources, just the textbook. You must complete the final exam no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. Be certain to finish the exam before 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. I cannot accept late final exams because of the final grade deadline.  

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