Fai is going on a “survival” hike in the desert. He goes to…


Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

Fаi is gоing оn а "survivаl" hike in the desert. He gоes to a sporting goods store, describes the hike, and asks the salesman to select suitable hiking boots for him. The boots the salesman suggests are well made and are appropriate for normal hiking but are not suitable for Fai's planned ordeal. Relying on the salesman's selection, Fai buys the boots. After he suffers personal injury because the boots prove inadequate for the survival hike, Fai sues the store. Fai can recover under:

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