EXAM PROBLEM #7 Instructions: Consider the molecule shown b…


EXAM PROBLEM #7 Instructiоns: Cоnsider the mоlecule shown below. Answer eаch question by selecting the best choice from the dropdown box. There is no need to show аny work on your “work” pаge. Note: I am unable to do any superscript formatting or insert a degree sign in the dropdowns. Molecule: Questions: A.   How many sigma bonds does the C atom have in this molecule?  [sigmaC] B.   How many pi bonds does the C atom have in this molecule?  [piC] C.   What type of orbital is the C atom using for its sigma bond(s)?  [sigmaorbitalC] D.   What type of orbital is the C atom using for its pi bond(s)?  [piorbitalC] E.   What is the bond angle for the C atom in this molecule?  [angleC] F.   What is the molecular geometry name for the C atom in this molecule?  [geomnameC] G.   What type of orbital is each Cl atom using for its nonbonding electrons?  [orbitalCl] H.   What is the angle between the electron domains that surround each Cl atom in this molecule?  [angleCl]    

EXAM PROBLEM #7 Instructiоns: Cоnsider the mоlecule shown below. Answer eаch question by selecting the best choice from the dropdown box. There is no need to show аny work on your “work” pаge. Note: I am unable to do any superscript formatting or insert a degree sign in the dropdowns. Molecule: Questions: A.   How many sigma bonds does the C atom have in this molecule?  [sigmaC] B.   How many pi bonds does the C atom have in this molecule?  [piC] C.   What type of orbital is the C atom using for its sigma bond(s)?  [sigmaorbitalC] D.   What type of orbital is the C atom using for its pi bond(s)?  [piorbitalC] E.   What is the bond angle for the C atom in this molecule?  [angleC] F.   What is the molecular geometry name for the C atom in this molecule?  [geomnameC] G.   What type of orbital is each Cl atom using for its nonbonding electrons?  [orbitalCl] H.   What is the angle between the electron domains that surround each Cl atom in this molecule?  [angleCl]    

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