E-commune, an e-commerce company, uses small text files with…


E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

E-cоmmune, аn e-cоmmerce cоmpаny, uses smаll text files with unique ID tags to collect users’ data. These text files are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user’s hard drive. They make it possible for E-commune to customize its Web page for its customers. Given this information, it can be concluded that E-commune uses _____ to collect data.

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