Chapter 15 (Select one question below, and answer in detail….


Chаpter 15 (Select оne questiоn belоw, аnd аnswer in detail.)  How are the courts different from the legislative and executive branches of government? Explain how federal judges are appointed and confirmed. What is the term of office for federal judges? How is this different from the terms of office for the president and members of Congress?  Given the differences between the federal courts and other branches, discuss the debate over the appropriate role of federal judges in our political system.  What is judicial activism?  What is judicial restraint?  Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each judicial approach.  Which do you favor, and why?   Explain in detail how the Supreme Court selects, reviews, decides, and issues their rulings on federal cases. On average, how many cases are appealed to the Supreme Court each year? How many of these cases does the Court typically agree to hear? What vote is required on the Court to hear a case?  Once the Court has agreed to hear a case, how do the Justices review and consider it?  What are bench memos? What are amicus curiae briefs, and how are these used to influence the decisions of the justices?  What typically happens during oral arguments? How do the justices meet and vote on the cases they have heard?  Finally, explain how the Court uses written opinions to issue their decisions, and describe the difference between a majority, concurring, and dissenting opinion.

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