Case Study 2 (15 pts) The wealthy country of Wadcash has dip…


Cаse Study 2 (15 pts) The weаlthy cоuntry оf Wаdcash has diplоmatic missions all over the world and it pays its diplomatic staff very well. Even in the small, sparsely populated,  and  very  poor  country  of  Norevenue,  Wadcash  has  a  luxurious embassy  and a diplomatic  staff of sixty  people in  the capital city of Run­down.  Wadcash's  ambassador  to  Norevenue  is  a  well-connected  former legislator  called  Augustus  Moneypound.  Mr.  Moneypound  always  drives around in a large embassy car whenever he travels in Norevenue. He parks wherever he chooses. This means that the embassy car is frequently parked on pedestrian crossings,  in "disabled  only" parking spots, in "no  parking any time" zones and even in the "ambulance  parking only" bays at hospitals. The local police are infuriated by this and usually attach parking tickets to the car although  it is widely known  that Mr. Moneypound  ignores the tickets.   Using international law concepts and terminology that you have learned thus far, answer the following questions regarding the scenario.   1)  Can  the  State  of  Norevenue  insist  that  Mr.  Moneypound  pay  the parking  tickets or, if not, be subject to fines? (5 pts)   2) Could the city of Rundown refuse to issue a registration certificate to Mr.  Moneypound's  car  unless  he  pays  the  tickets?  (Such  a  certificate  is necessary  to  drive  on  the  Norevenue  roads  and  Rundown,  as  the  capital city, is authorized  to set the regulations for registration.) (5 pts)   3) Could the State of Norevenue insist that the Wadcash embassy deposit a lump sum (say $40,000.00) from which any amount owed for the parking tickets by Wadcash to Norevenue would be deducted? Assume that Norevenue would agree to remit interest of two percent per annum to the State of Wadcash at the end of each year and to return the remaining sum if Wadcash ever decided  to withdraw its diplomatic staff from Norevenue. (5 pts)

Cаse Study 2 (15 pts) The weаlthy cоuntry оf Wаdcash has diplоmatic missions all over the world and it pays its diplomatic staff very well. Even in the small, sparsely populated,  and  very  poor  country  of  Norevenue,  Wadcash  has  a  luxurious embassy  and a diplomatic  staff of sixty  people in  the capital city of Run­down.  Wadcash's  ambassador  to  Norevenue  is  a  well-connected  former legislator  called  Augustus  Moneypound.  Mr.  Moneypound  always  drives around in a large embassy car whenever he travels in Norevenue. He parks wherever he chooses. This means that the embassy car is frequently parked on pedestrian crossings,  in "disabled  only" parking spots, in "no  parking any time" zones and even in the "ambulance  parking only" bays at hospitals. The local police are infuriated by this and usually attach parking tickets to the car although  it is widely known  that Mr. Moneypound  ignores the tickets.   Using international law concepts and terminology that you have learned thus far, answer the following questions regarding the scenario.   1)  Can  the  State  of  Norevenue  insist  that  Mr.  Moneypound  pay  the parking  tickets or, if not, be subject to fines? (5 pts)   2) Could the city of Rundown refuse to issue a registration certificate to Mr.  Moneypound's  car  unless  he  pays  the  tickets?  (Such  a  certificate  is necessary  to  drive  on  the  Norevenue  roads  and  Rundown,  as  the  capital city, is authorized  to set the regulations for registration.) (5 pts)   3) Could the State of Norevenue insist that the Wadcash embassy deposit a lump sum (say $40,000.00) from which any amount owed for the parking tickets by Wadcash to Norevenue would be deducted? Assume that Norevenue would agree to remit interest of two percent per annum to the State of Wadcash at the end of each year and to return the remaining sum if Wadcash ever decided  to withdraw its diplomatic staff from Norevenue. (5 pts)

Cаse Study 2 (15 pts) The weаlthy cоuntry оf Wаdcash has diplоmatic missions all over the world and it pays its diplomatic staff very well. Even in the small, sparsely populated,  and  very  poor  country  of  Norevenue,  Wadcash  has  a  luxurious embassy  and a diplomatic  staff of sixty  people in  the capital city of Run­down.  Wadcash's  ambassador  to  Norevenue  is  a  well-connected  former legislator  called  Augustus  Moneypound.  Mr.  Moneypound  always  drives around in a large embassy car whenever he travels in Norevenue. He parks wherever he chooses. This means that the embassy car is frequently parked on pedestrian crossings,  in "disabled  only" parking spots, in "no  parking any time" zones and even in the "ambulance  parking only" bays at hospitals. The local police are infuriated by this and usually attach parking tickets to the car although  it is widely known  that Mr. Moneypound  ignores the tickets.   Using international law concepts and terminology that you have learned thus far, answer the following questions regarding the scenario.   1)  Can  the  State  of  Norevenue  insist  that  Mr.  Moneypound  pay  the parking  tickets or, if not, be subject to fines? (5 pts)   2) Could the city of Rundown refuse to issue a registration certificate to Mr.  Moneypound's  car  unless  he  pays  the  tickets?  (Such  a  certificate  is necessary  to  drive  on  the  Norevenue  roads  and  Rundown,  as  the  capital city, is authorized  to set the regulations for registration.) (5 pts)   3) Could the State of Norevenue insist that the Wadcash embassy deposit a lump sum (say $40,000.00) from which any amount owed for the parking tickets by Wadcash to Norevenue would be deducted? Assume that Norevenue would agree to remit interest of two percent per annum to the State of Wadcash at the end of each year and to return the remaining sum if Wadcash ever decided  to withdraw its diplomatic staff from Norevenue. (5 pts)

The fоllоwing cоde uses the member аccess operаtor inside the setTime function. The member аccess function is short hand for what syntax? #include using namespace std; class ElapsedTime { private: int hours; int minutes; public: void SetTime(int timeHr, int timeMin); }; void ElapsedTime::SetTime(int hours, int minutes) { this->hours = hours; this->minutes = minutes; } int main() { ElapsedTime travTime; int userHrs; int userMins; userHrs = 5; userMins = 34; travTime.SetTime(userHrs, userMins); return 0; }

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