BONUS QUESTION: Osama Ahmadinejad applied for a job with Lan…


BONUS QUESTION: Osаmа Ahmаdinejad applied fоr a jоb with Lane Enterprises, a Lоuisiana corporation located in West Monroe. Osama, who is 42 years old, is originally from Iran and moved to West Monroe in January of 2010. Osama speaks English well, but he has Irani accent and it is difficult to understand him. Osama applied for a job in customer service where he would deal with Lane Enterprises’ customers, in person and on the phone. Job duties include assisting customers with computer software programs. Osama has a masters degree in computer programming from LSU.  He graduated with honors in 2014, and has worked in customer service for the past two years. Nathaniel Jones and Gwenneth Winslet also applied for the same vacant position. Nathaniel is a 39 year old white male from Dry Prong, Louisiana. He has his GED and has worked as a cashier at The Dollar Tree for the last three months.  Gwenneth is a 22 year old, recently married, pregnant female from London, England.  She has a degree in computer programming, but no experience.  She has never held any type of job, as she has always been a full-time student. Lane Enterprises has 120 employees and also has a policy that all employees must speak fluent English, since they will have to deal with many Louisiana customers regarding very technical and complicated computer support. Lara Lane, the president and CEO of Lane Enterprises, interviewed each applicant. Following the interviews, she hired Nathaniel Jones as the new customer service representative. Lara told Gwenneth she was not hired because she had no experience in customer relations, and she told Osama he was not hired because of the company policy regarding language. After the interviews, Lara called the vice-president of Lane Enterprises into her office to discuss each applicant. Lara told the VP that Gwenneth would be too busy being a newlywed and new mother to devote the appropriate amount of time to the job. Further, since Iran is trying to enrich uranium and build a nuclear bomb, there was no way she was hiring anyone from that country.   Unfortunately, the VP did not close the door when he entered Lara’s office, and her assistant, Carl Carter, heard the entire discussion. Carl called Osama and Gwenneth and told them what he overheard. Both were very upset and may file complaints with the EEOC.   Please list each discrimination claim Osama Ahmadinejad and Gwenneth Winslet MAY be able to make against Lane Enterprises.  Does the company have any defenses?  Who would you have hired and why?

BONUS QUESTION: Osаmа Ahmаdinejad applied fоr a jоb with Lane Enterprises, a Lоuisiana corporation located in West Monroe. Osama, who is 42 years old, is originally from Iran and moved to West Monroe in January of 2010. Osama speaks English well, but he has Irani accent and it is difficult to understand him. Osama applied for a job in customer service where he would deal with Lane Enterprises’ customers, in person and on the phone. Job duties include assisting customers with computer software programs. Osama has a masters degree in computer programming from LSU.  He graduated with honors in 2014, and has worked in customer service for the past two years. Nathaniel Jones and Gwenneth Winslet also applied for the same vacant position. Nathaniel is a 39 year old white male from Dry Prong, Louisiana. He has his GED and has worked as a cashier at The Dollar Tree for the last three months.  Gwenneth is a 22 year old, recently married, pregnant female from London, England.  She has a degree in computer programming, but no experience.  She has never held any type of job, as she has always been a full-time student. Lane Enterprises has 120 employees and also has a policy that all employees must speak fluent English, since they will have to deal with many Louisiana customers regarding very technical and complicated computer support. Lara Lane, the president and CEO of Lane Enterprises, interviewed each applicant. Following the interviews, she hired Nathaniel Jones as the new customer service representative. Lara told Gwenneth she was not hired because she had no experience in customer relations, and she told Osama he was not hired because of the company policy regarding language. After the interviews, Lara called the vice-president of Lane Enterprises into her office to discuss each applicant. Lara told the VP that Gwenneth would be too busy being a newlywed and new mother to devote the appropriate amount of time to the job. Further, since Iran is trying to enrich uranium and build a nuclear bomb, there was no way she was hiring anyone from that country.   Unfortunately, the VP did not close the door when he entered Lara’s office, and her assistant, Carl Carter, heard the entire discussion. Carl called Osama and Gwenneth and told them what he overheard. Both were very upset and may file complaints with the EEOC.   Please list each discrimination claim Osama Ahmadinejad and Gwenneth Winslet MAY be able to make against Lane Enterprises.  Does the company have any defenses?  Who would you have hired and why?

BONUS QUESTION: Osаmа Ahmаdinejad applied fоr a jоb with Lane Enterprises, a Lоuisiana corporation located in West Monroe. Osama, who is 42 years old, is originally from Iran and moved to West Monroe in January of 2010. Osama speaks English well, but he has Irani accent and it is difficult to understand him. Osama applied for a job in customer service where he would deal with Lane Enterprises’ customers, in person and on the phone. Job duties include assisting customers with computer software programs. Osama has a masters degree in computer programming from LSU.  He graduated with honors in 2014, and has worked in customer service for the past two years. Nathaniel Jones and Gwenneth Winslet also applied for the same vacant position. Nathaniel is a 39 year old white male from Dry Prong, Louisiana. He has his GED and has worked as a cashier at The Dollar Tree for the last three months.  Gwenneth is a 22 year old, recently married, pregnant female from London, England.  She has a degree in computer programming, but no experience.  She has never held any type of job, as she has always been a full-time student. Lane Enterprises has 120 employees and also has a policy that all employees must speak fluent English, since they will have to deal with many Louisiana customers regarding very technical and complicated computer support. Lara Lane, the president and CEO of Lane Enterprises, interviewed each applicant. Following the interviews, she hired Nathaniel Jones as the new customer service representative. Lara told Gwenneth she was not hired because she had no experience in customer relations, and she told Osama he was not hired because of the company policy regarding language. After the interviews, Lara called the vice-president of Lane Enterprises into her office to discuss each applicant. Lara told the VP that Gwenneth would be too busy being a newlywed and new mother to devote the appropriate amount of time to the job. Further, since Iran is trying to enrich uranium and build a nuclear bomb, there was no way she was hiring anyone from that country.   Unfortunately, the VP did not close the door when he entered Lara’s office, and her assistant, Carl Carter, heard the entire discussion. Carl called Osama and Gwenneth and told them what he overheard. Both were very upset and may file complaints with the EEOC.   Please list each discrimination claim Osama Ahmadinejad and Gwenneth Winslet MAY be able to make against Lane Enterprises.  Does the company have any defenses?  Who would you have hired and why?

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