Background:Tommy is a 7-year-old boy brought to counseling b…


Bаckgrоund:Tоmmy is а 7-yeаr-оld boy brought to counseling by his parents due to concerns about his persistent bedwetting and occasional daytime wetting. Tommy is otherwise healthy and has no significant medical history. His parents report that despite their reassurance and attempts to support him, Tommy feels embarrassed and frustrated by his inability to control his bladder, especially when accidents occur during school hours. Presenting Concerns:Tommy's parents express concern about the impact of wetting on their son's self-esteem and social interactions. They report that Tommy has become increasingly withdrawn and avoids sleepovers or activities that may draw attention to his condition. They worry about the psychological toll of this problem on Tommy and seek guidance on how to best support him through this challenge. Clinical Assessment:During the assessment, Tommy expresses frustration and embarrassment about wetting, especially when accidents occur in social settings or at school. He describes feeling different from his peers and worries about being teased or ridiculed. Tommy's parents note that his symptoms have persisted despite attempts to limit fluid intake before bedtime and encourage regular bathroom breaks.