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Tаbleаu Skills Test -- Generаl Instructiоns All оf the skills test tasks will be perfоrmed using Exam3-SourceData.xlsx This file was made available in an announcement last week. Note: You can use the copy you downloaded from that announcement, or download it now. Note: if you are using UFApps, you'll find the Exam3-SourceData.xlsx file on the R: drive in R:Courses2024-Spring-ISM3004_ALLData In the questions below, you will be asked to complete a set of tasks with that data. At the end of this section, you will save and upload your TWB or TWBX file.The entire Tableau section will be graded manually using your uploaded Tableau TWB or TWBX file. Important note: remember that we award partial credit, based on what we see in your Tableau file. Even if you don't know all of the required steps for a task, please do those parts you do know (or can take an educated guess at).