Answer the fоllоwing questiоns using the gel picture below. Which lаne(s) contаin molecule C?
/*** Nоtes:If yоu cаn't use NetBeаns during the exаm, use the оnline Java compiler instead: using NetBeans or the online Java compiler, you should NOT open / access any program other than this question, or you'll get a score of zero (0) for this part.It is students responsibility to submit the correct project, or a score of zero will be assigned for this question. ***/ Write a program that calculates the monthly balances of two bank accounts. Once done, export or zip your project and submit the file for grading. Operation The application begins by displaying the starting balances for a checking and a savings account. The application prompts the user to enter the amount withdrew from the checking account and the amount deposited to the savings account. When the user finishes entering the deposit and withdrawal amounts, the application displays the final balances for both accounts. Specifications (4 pts) Create a class named Account as follow: (8 pts) Create a class named CheckingAccount that inherits the Account class. This class should have: - a private data field named fee that specifies the monthly fee of this checking account;- a no-arg constructor that creates a default checking account. The default value for fee is 0;- the accessor and mutator methods (getFee, setFee) for fee;- a method named calMonthlyBalance that updates the balance data field of the checking account by subtracting fee from balance and return the updated value of balance. (Imagine that this method is to be called only once at the end of each month). (8 pts) Create a class named SavingsAccount that inherits the Account class. This class should have: - a private data field named rate that specifies the monthly interest rate of this savings account;- a no-arg constructor that creates a default savings account. The default value for rate is 0;- the accessor and mutator methods (getRate, setRate) for rate;- a method named calMonthlyBalance that updates the balance data field of the savings account by adding the monthly interest payment to the balance and return the updated value of balance.Hint: The monthly interest payment is calculated as (balance * rate / 100). (10 pts) Create a class named AccountTest with a main method that does the following: (1) Create a checking account with the initial balance of $1000 and a monthly fee of $4.5. (2) Create a savings account with the initial balance of $1000 and a monthly interest fee of 1%. (3) Display the initial balance for both account as shown in the console output. (4) Prompt the user for a withdrawal transaction from the checking account and a deposit transaction to the savings account as shown. (5) Display the final balances, as shown in the console output, by calling the calMonthlyBalance method. Do not hard code the values here. Assume that the user enters all the valid inputs.