An electronics firm produces two models of pocket calculator…


An electrоnics firm prоduces twо models of pocket cаlculаtors: the A-100 (A), which is аn inexpensive four-function calculator, and the B-200 (B), which also features square root and percent functions. Each model uses one (the same) circuit board, of which there are only 2,500 available for this week's production. Also, the company has allocated a maximum of 800 hours of assembly time this week for producing these calculators, of which the A-100 requires 15 minutes (.25 hours) each, and the B-200 requires 30 minutes (.5 hours) each to produce. The firm forecasts that it could sell a maximum of 4,000 A-100's this week and a maximum of 1,000 B-200's. Profits for the A-100 are $1.00 each, and profits for the B-200 are $4.00 each. What are optimal weekly profits?

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Lipоdystrоphy оf the аbdomen. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Lipodystrophy of the аbdomen. OPERATION PERFORMED: Suction-аssisted lipectomy of the abdomen. ANESTHESIA: General. BLOOD LOSS: Minimal. COMPLICATIONS: None. SPECIMENS: None. INDICATIONS: The patient is a 23-year-old white male who is relatively thin but has mild to moderate fatty prominence of the central abdomen as well as the lateral abdomen focally. He presents for suctionassisted lipectomy of these sites. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was seen in the preoperative area where, in the standing position, the abdominal skin was wiped with alcohol and marked with a marking pen for surgery. The patient was brought into the operative room and placed supine on the operating room table and administered general anesthesia successfully. A total of 5 mL of 50:50 mixture of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was infiltrated into the site of liposuction, access site incisions. The abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Stab incision was performed with #15 blade, which was dilated with a hemostat in the high lateral flank superior margin of the umbilicus and in the groin on each side. Tumescent solution, which is the standard mixture of 20 mL of lidocaine, 1 mL adrenaline, and a liter of warm normal saline was injected throughout the subcutaneous plane. Suctioning was then performed after a wait of 10 minutes plus with the 3 mm triport cannula throughout the anterior and lateral abdomen with shorter cannulas being used for the upper abdomen. All sides were remarkably thinner. Good smooth contour. Total infiltration amount was 1100 mL. Total output 950 mL, which appeared to be about 50% to 60% fat by volume. Incisions were closed with #5-0 Prolene interrupted sutures ×2. Incisions were clean, dried, and dressed with broad Band-Aid dressings, gauze pads, and abdominal binder. The patient tolerated the procedures well with no apparent complications. The patient was then extubated in the operating room and transferred to the recovery room in a satisfactory condition. Postoperatively, following the procedure, I spoke to the patient in regards to procedure and postoperative care. ICD-10-PCS code(s):