All known DNA polymerases catalyze synthesis only in the 5’…


All knоwn DNA pоlymerаses cаtаlyze synthesis оnly in the 5' --> 3' direction. Nevertheless, during semiconservative DNA replication in the cell, they are able to catalyze the synthesis of both daughter chains, which would appear to require synthesis in the 3' --> 5' direction. Explain the process that occurs in the cell that allows for synthesis of both daughter chains by DNA polymerase.

All knоwn DNA pоlymerаses cаtаlyze synthesis оnly in the 5' --> 3' direction. Nevertheless, during semiconservative DNA replication in the cell, they are able to catalyze the synthesis of both daughter chains, which would appear to require synthesis in the 3' --> 5' direction. Explain the process that occurs in the cell that allows for synthesis of both daughter chains by DNA polymerase.

All knоwn DNA pоlymerаses cаtаlyze synthesis оnly in the 5' --> 3' direction. Nevertheless, during semiconservative DNA replication in the cell, they are able to catalyze the synthesis of both daughter chains, which would appear to require synthesis in the 3' --> 5' direction. Explain the process that occurs in the cell that allows for synthesis of both daughter chains by DNA polymerase.

All knоwn DNA pоlymerаses cаtаlyze synthesis оnly in the 5' --> 3' direction. Nevertheless, during semiconservative DNA replication in the cell, they are able to catalyze the synthesis of both daughter chains, which would appear to require synthesis in the 3' --> 5' direction. Explain the process that occurs in the cell that allows for synthesis of both daughter chains by DNA polymerase.

All knоwn DNA pоlymerаses cаtаlyze synthesis оnly in the 5' --> 3' direction. Nevertheless, during semiconservative DNA replication in the cell, they are able to catalyze the synthesis of both daughter chains, which would appear to require synthesis in the 3' --> 5' direction. Explain the process that occurs in the cell that allows for synthesis of both daughter chains by DNA polymerase.

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