ABC, Inc. prepares its financial statements consistent with…


ABC, Inc. prepаres its finаnciаl statements cоnsistent with a 12/31 fiscal periоd end. On 6/30/2014 ABC, Inc. received $100,000 fоr a basket of goods and services that were sold to XYZ, Inc. In exchange for the $100,000 ABC, Inc. agreed to deliver and install a state of the art machine on 7/1/2014, they also agreed to conduct an 8-hour training session for the current employees on 7/15/2014, and to conduct a second 8-hour training session on 1/15/2015.  Finally, ABC, Inc. will provide four years of customer support which will begin on 7/1/2014.  If sold separately, ABC, Inc. generally charges the following:                                                                   Amount                   Machine                            $80,000                   Installation                      $12,000                   Training                             $500 per hour                   Customer Support      $25,000 When ABC, Inc. prepares their financial statements on 12/31/2014, how much will the record for Unearned Revenue at the end of 2014?

ABC, Inc. prepаres its finаnciаl statements cоnsistent with a 12/31 fiscal periоd end. On 6/30/2014 ABC, Inc. received $100,000 fоr a basket of goods and services that were sold to XYZ, Inc. In exchange for the $100,000 ABC, Inc. agreed to deliver and install a state of the art machine on 7/1/2014, they also agreed to conduct an 8-hour training session for the current employees on 7/15/2014, and to conduct a second 8-hour training session on 1/15/2015.  Finally, ABC, Inc. will provide four years of customer support which will begin on 7/1/2014.  If sold separately, ABC, Inc. generally charges the following:                                                                   Amount                   Machine                            $80,000                   Installation                      $12,000                   Training                             $500 per hour                   Customer Support      $25,000 When ABC, Inc. prepares their financial statements on 12/31/2014, how much will the record for Unearned Revenue at the end of 2014?

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