[Abby] Abby recently reached her goal of becoming a certifie…


[Abby] Abby recently reаched her gоаl оf becоming а certified personal trainer. She loves going to the gym, learning new exercises, and teaching others how to build muscle and gain confidence. Abby would like to be able to track her workout sessions with a fitness watch and is trying to decide which best serves her workout goals. Below are Abby’s ratings of the three fitness trackers she’s considering on the attributes that matter to her on a 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) scale. She also rates the importance of each attribute on a 1 (unimportant) to 10 (very important) scale. Based on these ratings and the multiattribute model, which fitness watch should Abby purchase and what total weighted rating does it have?   Apple Fitbit Samsung Importance Battery 7 6 6 9 Heart Rate Tracker 8 5 7 5 Price 2 7 3 7 Design 6 4 8 3

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