A student hаs been аssigned tо cоmpоse а brief talk about the topic of soft skills. The student's introduction to the speech is given below. Read it over. Decide which audience the speech was probably designed for Hey guys, I want to let you in on a little-known secret for landing a great job. Oh sure, you’ll need to learn the skills necessary for careers such as accounting, engineering, nursing, or graphic design. But there are lots and lots of people who have those skills! I read an amazing statistic the other day that 250 people will apply for just one job opening at some large corporations. Think about that. Two hundred and fifty applications for one job! And only about 4 of those candidates get an interview call, and only one will get the job. Wow! That’s a scary statistic. So what’s the secret to becoming the ONE to land the job? Soft skills. Soft skills are skills that you don’t learn in a book, but you can gain them by being a good friend or by being a good member of a club or a team. You can even learn them by doing your schoolwork well. Soft skills include things like having a strong work-ethic, finishing a job you start even when it gets tough, and learning to cooperate with others on a team, even when they’re different than you or you don’t particularly like them. Yep. People who work in hiring departments tell us that soft skills are what sets apart the great candidates from the good ones.