A rigid copper tank, initially containing 2 m^3 of nitrogen…


A rigid cоpper tаnk, initiаlly cоntаining 2 m^3 оf nitrogen at 300 K, 1 bar, is connected by a valve to a large supply line carrying nitrogen at 300 K, 20 bar. The valve is opened only as long as required to fill the tank with nitrogen to a pressure of 20 bar. Finally, the nitrogen in the tank is at 310 K. The copper tank, which has a mass of 10 kg, is at the same temperature of the air in the tank, initially and finally. The specific heat of copper is c = 0.385 kJ/kg/K. (a) Assuming ideal gas behavior of the nitrogen, determine the initial mass of nitrogen in the tank, in kg. m_1 =  _______ kg. (b) Determine the final mass. m_2 =  _______ kg. (c) Find the heat transfer to the surroundings from teh tank and its contents, in kJ, ignoring kinetic and potential energy effects. _______ kJ.

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