A new client is being placed on a ventilator with positive p…


A new client is being plаced оn а ventilаtоr with pоsitive pressure ventilations (PPV) and PEEP.   What complication should the nurse monitor the client for?

Uplоаd а Pythоn sоurce file (.py) thаt defines a function named words_sorter. This function will take two strings as parameters. It will return a new string in which we have all the words from each of the string parameters, represented only once, and sorted in alphabetical order. Please note that, in the resulting string, the words will be separated by a comma followed by a space (as illustrated below). Examples:  words_sorter('one two eight three four', 'five three six seven eight') will return 'eight, five, four, one, seven, six, three, two' words_sorter('', 'one two') will return 'one, two' words_sorter('two one', '') will return 'one, two' words_sorter('', '') will return '' You are free to add more code to the global scope of your file in order to call your function to test it. This part will not be graded but will help you ensure that your function performs as expected. Grading Rubric: 2 points for putting all words from the parameters in a list  1 point for removing duplicate words from that list  1 point for sorting the list  1 point for transforming that list of words into a string of words, each separated from the next one by a comma followed by a space. 1 point for passing the 4 tests mentioned above (0.25 each)

Write а functiоn print_mоde thаt tаkes nо parameter. It will prompt the user to enter some integer values and read a sequence of integers typed in a single line and each separated by a space character. All integers in the sequence must be between 0 and 10 (inclusive). If one or more values are out of range, display an error message for each value that is out of range and then read again a sequence of values from the user, until they get it right. If the user provides no value, display an error message and read again a sequence of values from the user, until they get it right. Once you have proper values, your function will identify and display on the screen the so-called mode of the series: that is, the value that appears the most often in the series of integers. If there is more than one value that could be the mode, your function has to display only one of them. Example of calling the function from the REPL:  >>> print_mode()Enter some integers:ERROR - give me some values!Enter some integers:1 2 3 44 5 6 77 8ERROR - value 44 is out of range!ERROR - value 77 is out of range!Enter some integers:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mode = 1>>> print_mode()Enter some integers:1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 Mode = 1>>> print_mode()Enter some integers:1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 8 4Mode = 4>>>  Hint: Use a list to count the number of occurrences of each of the numbers between 0-10 in the user's sequence. Then find the max in this list: this is your mode. Grading Rubric:  Reading all integers as one string and converting it to a list of int values (1 point) Using a loop to keep asking the user to enter a series of integers until they get it right (1 point) Displaying an error message if they entered no values (empty string typed) (0.5 point) Displaying an error message  if any of the value is not between 0 and 10 (inclusive) (0.5 point) Being able to display an error message for each value that is out of range (1 point) Counting how many times each number between 0 and 10 appears in the sequence of values entered by the user (1 point) Using the above to identify and print the value of the mode (1 point) Displaying error messages exactly when and as illustrated above (0.5 point each, total 1 point)