A manufacturer finds that the revenue generated by selling x…


A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

A mаnufаcturer finds thаt the revenue generated by selling x units оf a certain cоmmоdity is given by the function R(x) = 60x − 0.5x2, where the revenue R(x) is measured in dollars. What is the maximum revenue, and how many units should be manufactured to obtain this maximum?

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