A 45-year-old female was seen by her physician for an upper…


A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

A 45-yeаr-оld femаle wаs seen by her physician fоr an upper respiratоry infection. Blood pressure on that visit was noted to be 158/94 mmHg. She was asked to return for two other visits, separated by one week each, for measurement of blood pressure. Repeat measures were similar. She has no previous history of hypertension. She denies any previous significant medical problems. There is a positive family history for hypertension. The rest of her history is unremarkable. Other than moderate obesity and the elevated blood pressure, her physical examination was completely normal. All routine laboratory studies were normal. Which of the following diagnoses would you predict for this woman?

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