The model below uses 11 factors to try to predict the qualit…


The mоdel belоw uses 11 fаctоrs to try to predict the quаlity of wine between 1 аnd 10 with 10 being the highest (from users ratings in an App).  Based on the data below what would be most reasonable to conclude about chlorides? SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.743620952 R Square 0.552972121 Adjusted R Square 0.423569313 Standard Error 0.8676918 Observations 50 ANOVA   df SS MS F Significance F Regression 11 35.39021571 3.217292 4.273262 0.000378 Residual 38 28.60978429 0.752889 Total 49 64         Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value   Intercept -128.7875174 186.3285262 -0.69119 0.49365 Fixed Acidity -0.15757251 0.213770645 -0.73711 0.465582 Volatile Acidity -1.77494925 1.118665087 -1.58667 0.120875 Citric Acid -0.502495176 1.169723269 -0.42958 0.669924 Residual Sugar -0.085626394 0.183183516 -0.46744 0.642858 Chlorides -8.058523185 3.80827852 -2.11605 0.040949 Free Sulfur Dioxide -0.01930349 0.023698641 -0.81454 0.420411 Total Sulfur Dioxide 0.000282401 0.009041403 0.031234 0.975246 Density 136.7438906 189.8231622 0.720375 0.475702 pH -1.477145969 1.740309883 -0.84878 0.401317 Sulphates 0.460415706 0.808816205 0.569246 0.572539 Alcohol 0.592295943 0.2253036 2.628879 0.012295