COPD Case Study; Question 2 Mr. Smith is a 75-year-old male…


COPD Cаse Study; Questiоn 2 Mr. Smith is а 75-yeаr-оld male admitted tо the medical-surgical unit today with a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbation.  He reports shortness of breath for 3 days, he has had to sleep in a recliner for ease of breathing at night and he does not use oxygen at home.  He has a productive cough and audible inspiratory wheezes.  Question: The provider orders for 2L nasal cannula to be placed as well as orders for chest x-ray, routine blood work, sputum culture and Arterial Blood Gas (ABG).  The ABG results come back as the following and you are asked to interpret.  What do the below ABG's reveal? pH 7.32, C02 68, HCO3 28, Pa02 60 _______

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