Weapons of influence tend to be used in a way that…


Weаpоns оf influence tend tо be used in а wаy that...

Prоblem 3: Fоrmulаting Finite Autоmаtа [20 points] Formulate a DFA or NFA with the specified number of states that recognizes the specified language. Submit your answer using the following format: Q = {"q0", "q1", ...} # States.Sigma = {"0", "1", ...} # Input alphabet.delta = { # Transitions: use "_" for epsilon.   ("qfrom", "0"): {"qto"}, ("qfrom", "1"): {"qto1", "qto2", ...}, ...}q0 = "q0" # Start state.F = {"q0", ...} # Accept states.