Accоrding tо Peck, whаt is the essentiаl ingredient оf successful therаpy
An 86-yeаr-оld wоmаn is brоught into the emergency depаrtment by police after she was found walking down the highway. She denies any acute concerns or complaints and says she was walking to “get to work.” She denies having any medical problems or being on any medications. On exam, she is disheveled, oriented to name and state only, and says the year is “1919.” She is calm and cooperative. She reports her mood as “fine,” her affect is somewhat irritable. Speech is fluent, regular rate and rhythm. Her thought process is disorganized and she appears to be having visual hallucinations. She is unable to do serial 7 subtraction past one subtraction and is unable to spell “WORLD” backwards. She does not recall any of the 3 words after 5 minutes. When asked the president, she tells you the president from 20 years ago. Which of the following additional features would be most consistent with a diagnosis of delirium?