弟弟:哥,起床吃早饭吧! 哥哥:现在几点? 弟弟:现在九点半。…


弟弟:哥,起床吃早饭吧! 哥哥:现在几点? 弟弟:现在九点半。你今天做什么? 哥哥:我先去跑步,然后去打篮球。 弟弟:你今天几点上中文课? 哥哥:我中午一点上中文课。 弟弟:你几点回家? 哥哥:我下午三点半回家。 弟弟:你晚上做什么? 哥哥:我晚上看电视。   Questiоn:哥哥几点上中文课?

Hаve yоu reаd the testing instructiоns аnd pоlicies given above under Quiz Instructions? [answer] The Syllabus Quiz requires that you have an external webcam placed on its stand about 4 feet away from your work area and 10 inches above your work surface so that your entire workspace to include your hands, papers, entire desk, computer, computer screen, and face is visible in Honorlock during the entire quiz. Is your external webcam setup correctly? [answer1] Does your workspace view in Honorlock mimic one of three pictures shown above that demonstrate what a satisfactory workspace should look like? [answer2] According to the Quiz Instructions given above, if my webcam view in Honorlock is unsatisfactory for both Syllabus Quiz attempts, I will be [answer3].  Please keep in mind that you only have two attempts at the Syllabus Quiz, so make sure you make any necessary adjustments now or before your last Syllabus Quiz attempt, so you don't get administratively withdrawn from the course. Good luck on the quiz!