Identify the disorder below and bullet point the symptoms th…


Identify the disоrder belоw аnd bullet pоint the symptoms thаt mаde you come to the diagnosis. Eric’s mother contacted a therapy clinic because of their nightly battles over his computer use and homework. Prior to contacting the clinic, Eric, now a 16-year-old, had been kicked out of 3 separate elementary schools for inappropriate and disruptive behavior. He also suffered from seeming absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, and a short attention span. The medication that Eric took for some of his symptoms helped him significantly at school and was not kicked out of any more schools, but Eric was not completing homework assignments and was suffering from poor relationships at home because of conflicts over his computer use. When his mother tried to make him stop playing on the computer to do his homework, Eric flew into rages that frightened his mom, who was a single parent. He is almost completely uncompliant, lies, argues, and even throws objects when defying his mother. Eric possessed the skill and intelligence to complete homework, but not the motivation. His mom did not feel confident in controlling his behavior, and Eric knew his rages scared her. In this situation, the therapy clinic provided a tutor to assist Eric with his homework every day. Mike, the tutor Eric was matched with, provided a positive male role model and was able to set firm limits with Eric as well as provide the encouragement and positive feedback Eric was used to getting from video games. Though naturally resistant at first, Eric was able to adapt to the structure of doing his homework every night without a battle. Hint: Eric has 2 disorders.

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