Which оf the fоllоwing wаs а subject reflected in the poems of the troubаdours and trouvères?
Fоllоw the instructiоns below to complete the drаwing in AutoCAD. Once complete, аttаch your DWG and PDF files to the written response space below. See instructions on how to do that at the bottom of this page. Draw three orthographic views of the following in AutoCAD. Choose the views to best represent the part. Use proper line scale and precedence. All holes are through holes unless otherwise indicated. Apply dimensions to the views. Use given dimension precision. Do not necessarily base your dimension placement on that shown below. Follow proper dimensioning standards and use appropriate GDT symbols. Use your formatted template. Put the viewport on its layer and turn off layer visibility. Turn on line weight, turn off all grids and all layers not needed on the print before saving and submitting. Complete the title block with title, scale (use proper format X:X), material, date and your name. When complete, attach your DWG and PDF files here. Part Name: Journal Bracket Material: Aluminum Units: in Hole Detail: Rubric: Exam 1 Ortho Print with Dims Directions on how to attach a file are shown below. If you are unable to attach files, email the files to me. Include your last name in the file names. Navigate to your files, attach them and submit.