The group of players includes trumpet, saxophone, piano, bas…


 Lecturа de culturа  ¿Es espаñоl?  Yоu knоw that el español / los españoles can refer to the Spanish language or to the people of Spain when used as a noun. However, as you have already studied, when you use the word español(a) as an adjective, it refers exclusively to people, things, and traditions of Spain. Since Miguel is from Chile, you need to pay close attention to the way that you use this word.  For example, Miguel is "chileno", not "español". To demonstrate that you know the correct usage, indicate whether the following sentences are true or false by writing the letter C = cierto or F = falso.  1. [a] La literatura sobre la revolución mexicana es literatura española.2. [b] Las personas en Bolivia hablan español.3. [c] Mi amiga es de España. Es española.4. [d] Las personas que viven en Costa Rica son españolas.

Lа cаrtа   Befоre yоu begin tо write your letter, read the questions from Miguel's letter below. If you have NOT already answered them as you brainstormed above, you must add that information to the letter.¿Cuántos años tienes? / ¿Qué clases tomas? / ¿Cómo es la universidad donde asistes clases? / ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? / ¿Te gusta el fútbol también? / ¿Vas tú a muchas fiestas? / ¿Cómo son tus amigos?Now, using your ideas in from the previous brainstorming questions, write an interesting and organized letter about yourself in response to Miguel’s letter. Your writing will be assessed using the rubric below. 5 4        3 - 2 - 1 -            0 Content (Task completed as assigned) & Organization Most/all of the details are conveyed Well organized with connecting words and transitions. Some details are missing, but the main info is expressed, somewhat organized Important details are missing or unclear and/ or lack of organization and cohesion. 5 4           3 - 2 - 1            0 Use of verbs and other structures Generally used appropriately and accurately Generally used appropriately or accurately, but not both Numerous errors in accuracy and usage   5 5   3 - 2 - 1            0 Vocabulary Vocabulary is generally varied, accurate, and appropriately used Some errors in usage or spelling, some variety Many errors in usage or spelling, little or no variety  Remember to begin your letter with an appropriate greeting and end it appropriately as well. Here are the Special Characters.  You may copy and paste them into your writing. á é í ó ú ü ñ ¿ ¡