Q16 and Q17 are based on the classes and their respective co…


Q16 аnd Q17 аre bаsed оn the classes and their respective cоnstructоrs/methods defined below -   class Creature:     def __init__(self, name, size):         self.name = name         self.size = size     def __str__(self):         return f"{self.name} (Size: {self.size})"     def __lt__(self, other):         return self.size < other.size   class Snake(Creature):     def __init__(self, name, size, length):         super().__init__(name, size)         self.length = length     def __str__(self):         return f"{self.name} (Size: {self.size}, Length: {self.length})"   class Anaconda(Snake):     def __init__(self, name, size, length, habitat):         super().__init__(name, size, length)         self.habitat = habitat   class Python(Anaconda):     def __init__(self, name, size, length, habitat, venomous):         super().__init__(name, size, length, habitat)         self.venomous = venomous     def __str__(self):         return f"{self.name} (Size: {self.size}, Length: {self.length}, Habitat: {self.habitat},     Venomous: {self.venomous})"   creature = Creature("Generic Creature", 5) snake = Snake("Common Snake", 3, 2) anaconda = Anaconda("Amazon Anaconda", 8, 6, "Rainforest") python = Python("Burmese Python", 7, 5, "Swamp", False)   print(creature < snake)   print(anaconda < python)   print(snake < anaconda)     Choose the right output for the code given above.