The U.S. Energy Stаr prоgrаm prоvide businesses аnd individuals tax credits fоr which of the following?
Directiоns:Chооse one of the prompts below аnd write а 5-8 pаragraph essay (700-1000 words) that addresses the key points and questions raised in the prompt. Be sure to support your arguments with specific examples and quotes from the assigned chapters, citing the relevant section numbers in parentheses. Your essay must have a minimum of two references from at least three different chapter sections (for a total of six references). Be sure your response only references the assigned content and your response is in your own words. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Prompt 1: The 1920s: Contradictions and ComplexitiesAnalyze the complexities and contradictions of the 1920s, examining how it was both an era of progress and prosperity, as well as an era of social and cultural tensions.Republican White House (1921-1933): Discuss Republican policies promoting stability and prosperity, as well as the Harding administration scandals. (Harding's economic policies, Teapot Dome, Coolidge's pro-business stance)Culture of Consumption: Explore the rise of consumerism fueled by industrial expansion, advertising, and new technologies like the automobile. (Christine Frederick, department stores, credit, Henry Ford)Culture of Escape: Analyze popular forms of entertainment and their reflection of American values and desires. (Edgar Burroughs, Hollywood, jazz music, sports heroes)Culture War: Examine the social and political tensions arising from nativism, the Red Scare, and religious fundamentalism. (Sacco and Vanzetti, immigration legislation, KKK)Conclusion: Consider how these seemingly contradictory trends coexisted and shaped the decade's legacy.Prompt 2: The Great Depression: Causes, Consequences, and ResponsesInvestigate the causes of the Great Depression, its widespread impact on American society, and the effectiveness of various responses, including Hoover's policies and Roosevelt's New Deal.Introduction: Discuss the main causes and effects of the Depression. (Economic impact, key events and figures)Origins of the Great Depression: Analyze the root causes and contributing factors, including the stock market crash. (Economic weaknesses in the 1920s, Black Tuesday, Smoot-Hawley Tariff)Herbert Hoover and the Politics of the Depression: Evaluate Hoover's response and the reasons for its ineffectiveness. (Hoover's ideology, policies like the RFC, public perception)The Lived Experience of the Great Depression: Explore how the Depression affected daily life for different groups of Americans. (Unemployment, coping strategies, Hoovervilles, impact on women and minorities)Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the "First" New Deal: Assess the goals and impacts of the First New Deal programs. (Roosevelt's background, Brain Trust, major programs, economic stabilization)Conclusion: Consider the long-term consequences of the Depression and the effectiveness of the various responses.Prompt 3: The New Deal: Reforms, Impacts, and LimitationsAnalyze the New Deal's major programs and reforms, their successes and shortcomings in addressing the Great Depression, and their lasting impact on American society and government.Introduction: Overview of the New Deal's goals and key programs.The "First" and "Second" New Deal: Discuss the major programs and their intended impacts on different sectors of the economy and society. (NRA, AAA, TVA, WPA, Social Security Act)The New Deal in the South: Examine the specific challenges faced by the South and how the New Deal attempted to address them. (Economic vulnerabilities, impact of programs on Southern workers and farmers)Voices of Protest: Analyze criticisms of the New Deal from both the left and right, as well as Supreme Court challenges. (Populist leaders, conservative opposition, court-packing plan)Equal Rights and the New Deal: Evaluate the New Deal's impact on African Americans and women, and its limitations in addressing racial and gender inequalities. (Discrimination, program impacts, key figures advocating for civil rights)Conclusion: Assess the overall legacy of the New Deal, considering its achievements, shortcomings, and lasting influence.Prompt 4: The Culture Wars of the 1920s: Nativism, Fundamentalism, and the KKKInvestigate the cultural conflicts of the 1920s, focusing on the rise of nativism, religious fundamentalism, and the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan.Introduction: Overview of the major cultural conflicts of the decade.Culture War: Discuss the rise of nativism and its impact on immigration policy and social attitudes. (Sacco and Vanzetti case, Emergency Quota Act, National Origins Act)Fundamentalist Christianity: Examine the core beliefs of Christian fundamentalism and its conflict with modernism, as exemplified by the Scopes Trial. (Fundamentalist vs. modernist views, key figures in the trial, impact on public opinion)Rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan: Analyze the factors contributing to the KKK's resurgence, its goals and targets, and its use of violence and intimidation. (Nativism, white supremacy, economic anxiety, Klan's political influence and decline)