Perceived acceptable levels of adequacy that has an impact o…


Perceived аcceptаble levels оf аdequacy that has an impact оn gоals is a(n) ______.

Directiоns:Chооse one of the prompts below аnd write а 5-8 pаragraph essay (700-1000 words) that addresses the key points and questions raised in the prompt. Be sure to support your arguments with specific examples and quotes from the assigned chapters, citing the relevant section numbers in parentheses. Your essay must have a minimum of two references from at least three different chapter sections (for a total of six references). Be sure your response only references the assigned content and your response is in your own words. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Prompt 1: The Progressive Era: Reforms, Impacts, and LimitationsAnalyze the Progressive Era's reform movements, their successes and limitations, and their lasting impact on American society.Introduction: The Progressive Era (Gilded Age problems, middle-class reformers, reform objectives)Mobilizing for Reform (Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, muckrakers, role of literature and religion)Women's Movements (women's clubs, Black women activists, temperance, settlement houses)Targeting the Trusts (trust formation, concerns about trusts, presidential approaches, antitrust legislation)Progressive Environmentalism (preservation vs. conservation, Hetch Hetchy debate, urban and rural concerns)Jim Crow and African American Life (disenfranchisement, segregation, Washington vs. Du Bois, Black freedom struggle)Conclusion: Assess the overall impact of Progressive Era reforms, considering both achievements and areas where change fell short.Prompt 2: World War I: Causes, Course, and ConsequencesExamine the causes, major events, and lasting consequences of World War I, focusing on the war's impact on the United States and the world.Introduction: The Progressive Era (global power shifts, domestic and international impacts on the US)Prelude to War (rise of Germany, Ottoman Empire's threat, US neutrality and interests)War Spreads Through Europe (Austria's declaration of war, Germany's actions, stalemate, Russia's collapse)America Enters the War (reasons for US entry, war preparations, public reaction to conscription)On the Homefront (war's effects on society, propaganda, government control, women's roles, racial tensions)Before the Armistice (US impact, failed German offensive, armistice terms, casualties)The War and the Influenza Pandemic (spread and impact of the pandemic, role of WWI, effects on military)The Fourteen Points and the League of Nations (Wilson's principles, League's creation, Treaty of Versailles, obstacles to ratification)Aftermath of World War I (rise of communism and Red Scare, collapse of Ottoman Empire, Great Migration and Red Summer, long-term impacts)Conclusion: Discuss the war's lasting consequences on global politics, society, and the US role in world affairs.Prompt 3: Contrasting Reform Movements: Progressive Era and WWICompare and contrast the reform movements of the Progressive Era with the societal changes and challenges brought about by World War I.Introduction: Introduce the Progressive Era and WWI as periods of significant reform and change.Progressive Era Reforms: Discuss key reform areas (e.g., labor, women's rights, trusts, environment) and their goals.WWI and Social Change: Analyze how the war impacted reform movements, gender roles, racial tensions, and civil liberties.Government Intervention: Compare the role of government in Progressive Era reforms and wartime mobilization.Legacies of Reform: Assess the lasting impacts of both periods on American society and future reform efforts.Conclusion: Summarize the key similarities and differences between Progressive Era reforms and the changes brought about by WWI.