An аpprоаch cаlled immunоtherapy is a type оf which cancer treatment?
Directiоns:Chооse one of the prompts below аnd write а 5-8 pаragraph essay (700-1000 words) that addresses the key points and questions raised in the prompt. Be sure to support your arguments with specific examples and quotes from the assigned chapters, citing the relevant section numbers in parentheses. Your essay must have a minimum of two references from at least three different chapter sections (for a total of six references). Be sure your response only references the assigned content and your response is in your own words. __________________________________________________________________________________________________Prompt 1: The Evolution of American Identity (Chapters 5, 6, 7)The period covered in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 saw significant changes in how Americans defined themselves and their nation. Analyze how ideas about American identity evolved from the eve of the Revolution through the early Republic. Consider factors such as:The ideals of the Revolution (Chapter 5, Section IV)The impact of westward expansion and interactions with Native Americans (Chapter 7, Section V)Debates over slavery and its role in the new nation (Chapters 6, Section V; 7, Section II)The emergence of political parties and differing visions for the country's future (Chapter 6, Sections VII & VIII; Chapter 7, Section III)Be sure to use specific examples from the chapters to support your analysis.Prompt 2: Resistance and Rebellion in Early America (Chapters 5, 6, 7)Throughout Chapters 5, 6, and 7, various groups resisted authority and challenged the status quo. Compare and contrast TWO of the following resistance movements:The colonial resistance to British policies leading to the American Revolution (Chapter 5, Section III)Shays' Rebellion (Chapter 6, Section II)The Whiskey Rebellion (Chapter 6, Section VII)Gabriel's Rebellion (Chapter 7, Section II)Native American resistance to westward expansion (Chapter 7, Section V)Analyze the causes, motivations, methods, and outcomes of these movements. How did they reflect broader tensions and conflicts in early American society?Prompt 3: The Paradoxes of Freedom in the Early Republic (Chapters 6 & 7)The American Revolution was fought for liberty and equality, yet the early republic struggled to fully realize these ideals for all its inhabitants. Drawing on specific examples from Chapters 6 and 7, discuss the paradoxes and limitations of freedom in the early United States. Consider the following:The persistence of slavery despite the rhetoric of natural rights (Chapter 6, Section V)The exclusion of women from political participation (Chapter 7, Section III)The treatment of Native Americans and the displacement of their lands (Chapter 7, Section V)The challenges of balancing individual liberties with the needs of a growing nation (Chapter 6, Sections VI & VII)How did these contradictions shape the development of American society and politics?