We have access to the complete dataset of all ages (in years…


We hаve аccess tо the cоmplete dаtaset оf all ages (in years) at death for First Ladies of the U.S. who have passed. From this data set we know that the average age at death is 71.7 years. You are interested in how the sample statistics vary for different samples of size n=15 from this population. A sampling distribution is constructed where one of the samples is used to create a bootstrap distribution. This sample has mean: x-bar = 78 years. Below are boxplots of the sample of size n = 15, the sampling distribution, and the bootstrap distribution (although not necessarily in that order!). Use all of the provided information to select the correct reason for each Boxplot identification. Boxplot A is the sampling distribution because it is centered at the [answer1] and has a standard error that is roughly equal to the estimated standard error found with the [answer2]. Boxplot B is the bootstrap distribution because it is centered at the [answer3] and has an estimated standard error that is roughly equal to the standard error found with the [answer4]. Boxplot C is the sample of n = 15 because it centered at the [answer5] where the sample standard deviation (s) is [answer6] the value of the standard error found with the sampling distribution.

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