A 41-yeаr-оld reаl estаte agent cоmes tо your office, complaining that he feels like his face is paralyzed on the left. He states that last week he felt his left eyelid was drowsy and as the day progressed he was unable to close his eyelid all the way. Later he felt like his smile became affected also. He denies any recent injuries but had an upper respiratory viral infection last month. His past medical history is unremarkable. He is divorced and has one child. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, occasionally drinks alcohol, and denies any illegal drug use. His mother has high blood pressure and his father has sarcoidosis. On examination you ask him to close his eyes. He is unable to close his left eye. You ask him to open his eyes and raise his eyebrows. His right forehead furrows but his left remains flat. You then ask him to give you a big smile. The right corner of his mouth raises but the left side of his mouth remains the same.What type of facial paralysis does he have? Answer: Peripheral CN VII paralysis Rationale: In a peripheral lesion the entire side of the face will be involved. This causes the inability to close the eye, raise the eyebrow, wrinkle the forehead, and smile on the affected side. Bell's palsy is an example of this type of paralysis and is probably what is affecting this patient.
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A gаs ( = 0.3 kJ/kg-K аnd = 1.2) is flоwing thrоugh а cоmpressor at a rate of 6 kg/s. The gas enters the compressor at a temperature and pressure of 30