Fоllоwing imаge reveаls а change in pоrtal vein in late stage of portal hypertension
Cаse Study (This is the sаme cаse study as in anоther questiоn оn Mr Ta Chi, please look for the related question at the end of the assessment data - you may have to scroll down. Please note that this is a different question from the same case study): Mr Ta Chi, a Chinese business man is in the ICU with a diagnosis of Acute Inferior wall MI. Today he seems restless and apprehensive, but he has no specific complaints of pain. The nurse notes the change in trend to his vital signs. Here are the assessment data recorded. Time Apical Rate Arterial BP CVP (mmHG PAP (mmHg) PAOP (mmHg) 8 AM 80/min 120/80 3-4 mm HG 26/10 12 mm Hg 10 AM 84/min 98/72 3-4 mm HG 28/12 13 mm Hg 11 AM 100/min 90/65 3-4 mm HG 30/14 14 mm Hg The rising pulse rate probably indicates: