Sectiоn Three – Essаy Questiоns x 2 questiоns. Pleаse choose only 2 questions from the 3 provided. Do not аnswer all 3 questions as you will not be awarded any extra points for doing so and your first two answers only will be counted. (10 points per question) – as a guide only answers should be 300 to 600 words in length for each question in this section. Please outline which question you are answering using the boxes below, there is a box for each question you are answering to. For example, in each answer box, write 'This is my answer to Question X'. This will help us know which question you are answering, without this clarification, you may be at risk of dropping marks. Questions are displayed below: With reference to the Mid Staffordshire enquiry, identify at least 5 inadequacies within the Trust that were highlighted, and discuss the impact of this in relation to clinical governance. The biggest global challenges for the NHS are: Ageing population, need for improved digital services, lack of resources and funding, staff retention, increasing number of patients with complex health needs, waiting time backlog post COVID19 pandemic, and social care provision in community. Pick one global challenge and critically answer why this is a problem, the effect this has on patient care delivery and the healthcare service, and what needs to be done to improve it? As a senior nurse/nursing manager, how do you monitor the progress or impact of service delivery and its improvement within your team? What tools might you use to monitor this?