Reаd the directiоns cаrefully. Chооse one of the topics below, аnd compose a five-paragraph essay of 350-400 words. Prewriting is not required, but it is recommended. The topics are written as thesis statements. You may use the exact same thesis as I have it worded in your essay if you wish. You may approach the essay from any angle you wish; you are limited only by your imagination. Three reasons I cannot live without my cell phone are ______, _____, and ______. Three of my spirit animals are ______, _____, and ______. Three shows/movies/books I love are ______, _____, and ______. Three ridiculous celebrities are ______, _____, and ______. If I had three wishes, they would be ______, _____, and ______. Three of the hardest parts about college are ______, _____, and ______. Three of the best parts about college are ______, _____, and ______. Three ways to be a happier person are to ______, _____, and ______. 350-400 words total word count for the essay Suggested word counts: Introduction + three-point thesis: 60-80 words Body Paragraph 1 with topic sentence and closing sentence: 85-95 words Body Paragraph 2 with topic sentence and closing sentence: 85-95 words Body Paragraph 3 with topic sentence and closing sentence: 85-95 words Conclusion: 30-40 words Other requirements: Meet the word count. I do not recommend going over the word count. Write on one of the provided topics. No use of any of the form of the word "you" except in direct quotes. I, me, my, myself, we, us, ourselves - all of these are fine. No contractions: Write I am instead of I'm.