Debit corporation borrowed $15,000 from Credit National Bank…


Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

Debit cоrpоrаtiоn borrowed $15,000 from Credit Nаtionаl Bank on October 31, 2021.  This note was due in 24 months (principal and interest) with an 8% interest rate.  What is the journal entry recorded by Credit National Bank on December 31, 2021 assuming Credit records journal entries annually?  Record your entry as follows: DR (Account Name) $XXXCR (Account Name) $XXX  

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