Mike Sandoval, a “dirty” attorney, has lost a lot of blood a…


Mike Sаndоvаl, а “dirty” attоrney, has lоst a lot of blood after being stabbed while incarcerated. Though Mike applies pressure to the wound, an artery has been severed, and he continues to bleed. Mike’s blood pressure is low and continues to drop- his heart rate is elevated. Unfortunately, Mike passes away 5 minutes after sustaining the injury. a. Discuss the levels of Biological Organization that have been impacted. b. Discuss why Mike's heart rate increased after sustaining the injury. c. Discuss how homeostasis could have been re-established if Mike had received medical attention. 

Mike Sаndоvаl, а “dirty” attоrney, has lоst a lot of blood after being stabbed while incarcerated. Though Mike applies pressure to the wound, an artery has been severed, and he continues to bleed. Mike’s blood pressure is low and continues to drop- his heart rate is elevated. Unfortunately, Mike passes away 5 minutes after sustaining the injury. a. Discuss the levels of Biological Organization that have been impacted. b. Discuss why Mike's heart rate increased after sustaining the injury. c. Discuss how homeostasis could have been re-established if Mike had received medical attention. 

Mike Sаndоvаl, а “dirty” attоrney, has lоst a lot of blood after being stabbed while incarcerated. Though Mike applies pressure to the wound, an artery has been severed, and he continues to bleed. Mike’s blood pressure is low and continues to drop- his heart rate is elevated. Unfortunately, Mike passes away 5 minutes after sustaining the injury. a. Discuss the levels of Biological Organization that have been impacted. b. Discuss why Mike's heart rate increased after sustaining the injury. c. Discuss how homeostasis could have been re-established if Mike had received medical attention. 

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