The rule of 70 is used to find how long it will take an econ…


The rule оf 70 is used tо find hоw long it will tаke аn economy to grow by 70 percent.

The rule оf 70 is used tо find hоw long it will tаke аn economy to grow by 70 percent.

The rule оf 70 is used tо find hоw long it will tаke аn economy to grow by 70 percent.

The rule оf 70 is used tо find hоw long it will tаke аn economy to grow by 70 percent.

The rule оf 70 is used tо find hоw long it will tаke аn economy to grow by 70 percent.

Trаining & Testing Dаtа: Fоr this data analysis, yоu will divide the data as fоllows. Pre-pandemic analysis: The training data will consists of years 2013-2018 and the year 2019 excluding the last 8 weeks of the year. The last 8 weeks of 2019 will will then be the testing data. The predictions in this analysis will be 4-week rolling predictions; that is first obtain the predictions of the first four weeks out of the eight weeks of training data, then the training data are updated to include these four weeks so that the last four weeks of 2019 to be predicted. Pandemic analysis: The training data will consists of years 2013-2020 and the year 2021 excluding the last 8 weeks of this year. The last 8 weeks of 2021 will then be the testing data. The predictions in this analysis will be 4-week rolling predictions; that is first obtain the predictions of the first four weeks out of the eight weeks of training data, then the training data are updated to include these four weeks so that the last four weeks of 2021 to be predicted. This analysis will be done with and without the 2020 pandemic year. Part 1: Exploratory Data Analysis of the Entire Time Series 1a. Plot the Time Series and the ACF plots for the entire data. Comment on the stationarity of the data, as well as any features of note. 1b. Plot the Time Series and the ACF plots for the differenced data. Compare these plots with the plots that you produced in question 1(a) in terms of the assumptions of stationarity. 1c. Comment on the appropriateness of using both ARIMA and ARMA-GARCH methods to model the data based on the data features that you observed in 1(a) and 1(b). What other data features (if any) should be considered when selecting an appropriate method for modeling the collision data? Part 2: Model Fitting: Pre-pandemic Data Analysis 2a. Fit a seasonality model on the training data using the ANOVA approach. Derive the residuals of the seasonality model. Use the iterative approach to choose the optimal orders for an ARIMA model fit to the residual training data, using max (p,d,q) of (4,1,4) and selecting with the AIC score. Fit the model with the selected ARIMA order to the residual training data and call this model model1. Indicate the orders you selected and comment on the statistical significance of the model coefficients. 2b. Fit an ARMA-GARCH model to the residual training data from Question 2a using max orders (5,5)x(2,2). Use the p and q values that you selected when creating the ARIMA model above as the initial ARMA orders. Fit the model with the selected ARMA-GARCH orders to the residual training data and call this model model2. Compare the orders that you selected for model1 and model2. Interpret the difference.  2c.  Fit a seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) model on the training time series data (not the residuals from previous questions) using orders (0,1,2) with seasonal orders (1,0,1). Call this model model3. Also fit a GARCH model on the residuals of model3 using ARMA-GARCH orders (1,0)x(1,1), and call this model model4. Compare the statistical significance of the coefficients of model3 to those of model1. Likewise, compare the statistical significance of the coefficients of model4 to those of model2. 2d. Perform goodness-of-fit tests for each of the four models; specifically, evaluate the presence of serial correlation, heteroskedasticity, and normality in each model's residuals, and interpret the test output, using alpha = .05 as a significance threshold. Part 3: Model Evaluation 3a. Apply the models identified in Part 2 and forecast collisions for the last eight weeks of year 2019 using a 4-lag rolling prediction approach; that is, predict four week at a time. Plot the forecasts for each model on the original time series and compare the forecasts to the actual values. (You do not need to plot the confidence intervals.) Hint: Make sure you forecast taking into account all components of  each of the models. 3b. Calculate MAPE and PM for the predictions of each of the four models. Compare the prediction accuracy of the four models based on these measures. Part 4: Reflection: Pre-pandemic vs Pandemic Analysis Fit the same models you fitted on the training data for the Pre-pandemic Data Analysis in Part 2c but this time using the Pandemic Data Analysis. Call the two models, model5 and model6. We will compare model3 and model4 in Part 2 with these two models.  Apply the forecasting approach in Part 3 to  model5 and model6 and compare the forecasting across the four models in terms of accuracy. Based on your observations, which methods would you recommend using to model the collision data? What are some ways that we might be able to further improve the fit and accuracy of models fit to the data? Compare your responses to this questions for the data before pandemic versus during pandemic.

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